Demi Lovato talks Remember December


Demi Lovato sat down with MTV to talk about her upcoming music video for her hit single “Remember December.”

Demi says about the video:

“The music video relates to the song in a way that a girl has so much to say to the guy, and it feels like he’s not listening, and she wants him to remember everything that they had. And so instead of having a love interest in this video, it’s all about being fierce and kind of, like, taking control as a girl. It’s like girl empowerment. Yeah, divas!”

“I love this song for many reasons. It had a different sound than a lot of my songs. I related to it personally more than other songs, and I have so much fun with it. I thought if it could be a single that it would be incredible to perform it all the time.”

“What stands out about the song [is that] I can dance to it and rock out to it, which is ultimately my goal. I was just so excited when I heard this one, ’cause it’s the epitome of where I want to go with the future.”

This video Was just released today!

Source:, Image Via Flickr

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